Ncritical raw materials for the eu pdf merger

Eu raw materials policy, data needs and actions to. Greenland has an especially strong potential in six of the fourteen elements on the eu critical raw materials list developed by the european commission niobium, platinum group metals, rare earths and tantalum and moderate for further three elements. Crms combine raw materials of high importance to the eu economy and of high risk associated with their supply. The critical raw materials substitution profiles the report consists of 14 raw material profiles describing the main uses and an assessment of substitution possibilities for each of the raw materials identified as critical for the eu in 2010. Greenlands raw materials potential and the eu strategic needs. Press releases european union website, the official eu.

The eu raw materials strategy aims at securing affordable access to natural resources for european companies and seeks to use all policy instruments, including development policy, to reach this. Raw materials countries lacking various raw materials. When a firm undertakes a merger to improve its sources and. Factsheets 2017 download the full set of 2017 critical raw materials factsheets for critical raw materials non critical raw materials. The table indicates the existence of domestic production of certain critical raw materials in the eu, notably hafnium. European commission, raw materials supply group, 30, july 2010, 85 pp.

Several other countries have dominant supplies of specific raw materials, such as the usa beryllium and brazil niobium. The eu monitor is a service provided by anp and pdc informatie architectuur. Countries lacking various raw materials will import needed substances such as coal or crude oil from nations able to export such materials. One element of this is a new strategy promoted in brussels the raw materials initiative to enable european companies to access key minerals on which the eu economy is argued to depend for its future competitiveness. Pdf the european parliament has adopted a resolution that proposes focusing research and development on the substitution of critical raw materials to. The european commission presented today a revised list of critical raw materials. The commission wants to fight export restrictions that may restrict supply for the eu. Securing reliable and undistorted access to raw materials is increasingly becoming an important factor for the eus competitiveness and, hence, crucial to the success of the lisbon partnership for growth and jobs. Adhoc working group on defining critical raw materials. Import data on the most critical raw materials for wind energy. The project will explore commercial opportunities for harvesting critical raw materials and precious metals including gold, silver and platinum group metals, from everyday unwanted electronic products. Critical raw materials have become the building blocks of our modern society. Baseball tyler and misha disposal thrown in trash and taken to landfill reuserecycling recycled by ball recycler machine or reused in practice manufacturing and processing cork is covered by rubber and held together by red seams and cow hide covering use baseball equipment life. Pdf substitutionability of critical raw materials researchgate.

Assessment of the methodology for establishing the eu list of. The list of critical raw materials for the eu is a central element of this initiative. The above clarifications hold true even more in the eu policy context, where the ec criticality methodology has a very wide scope in regard to the large number of candidate critical raw materials included presently around 80 and with its ambitious objective of capturing the economic importance of raw materials using an eu economywide approach. Map of critical raw material deposits in europe sciencedirect. The list of 14 critical commodities is based on the report published by the european commission, dg entreprise and industry. Materials selection in a critical raw materials perspective. Eur 600 million secured for raw materials 20142020. Although all raw materials are important, some of them are of more concern than others, thus the list of critical raw materials crms for the eu, and the underlying european commission ec. A financial merger b hostile takeover c divestiture d strategic merger answer.

New scrap old scrap new scrap refers to the scrap generated from processing and manufacturing. Eu raw materials initiative integrated strategy three pillars approach area of nonenergy, nonagricultural raw materials launched nov. It enables its users to track the process of lawmaking within the eu in a user friendly manner. In this figure, production is considered to be subject to export restrictions if any of the main restrictive measures, i.

Ensuring raw material imports from noneu countries. The raw materials strategy and the raw materials plan have the objective to ensure a sustainable supply of. Eu raw materials policy, data needs and actions to implement. Critical raw materials substitution profiles september 20. This selection includes the 20 critical raw materials for the eu, and other materials essential to the eu economy. Commissions communication on the 2017 list of critical raw materials for the eu, com2017490, september 2017 eu critical raw materials. The most plausible explanation, supported by statistical evidence, appears to be that materialssaving technological changes have accelerated, probably because of higher energy prices. The raw materials initiative is the eu raw materials policy strategy the european innovation partnership on raw materials brings together the entire raw materials community horizon 2020. Developing raw materials into a major strength for europe. Analysis of the eu raw materials initiative heinrich. Pdf critical raw materials and the circular economy. Environment canada, the raw materials industries and the csa are developing a canadian raw materials database to quantify all energy and raw materials inputs and environmental releases for the first two lifecycle stages. The raw materials strategy and the raw materials plan have the objective to ensure a sustainable supply of raw materials to the industry.

Although raw materials are essential for the eu economy, their availability is increasingly under pressure. Currently, western europe, north america, china, japan, india, the worlds five major chemical raw materials producing areas. The raw materials initiative critical raw materials for the eu. Given the continued strategic importance of raw materials for the eu manufacturing industry 1, the commission is implementing a wide range of actions under the eu raw materials initiative to help ensure their secure, sustainable and affordable supply. Although all raw materials are important, some of them are of more concern than others, thus the list of critical raw materials crms for the eu, and the underlying european commission ec criticality assessment methodology, are key instruments in the context of the eu raw materials policy.

Press releases european union website, the official eu website. China is the major supplier of critical raw materials, accounting for 70% of their global supply and 62% of their supply to the eu e. Securing critical raw materials for europe presentation. Eu trade policy will continue to monitor ongoing and future negotiations of foreign trade agreements and other bilateral frameworks to ensure that raw materials are considered and integrated, where appropriate. Factsheets 2017 download the full set of 2017 critical raw materials factsheets for critical raw materials noncritical raw materials. The criticality assessment is carried out since 2011 and is renewed every three years to reflect production, market and technological developments. The list of crm for the eu is subject to regular update at least every three years, in order to reflect production, market and technology developments, and the number of raw materials assessed has increased with each update. Global trends in raw materials consumption boumjong choe afterthe 1973oil shock, demand forraw materialsespecially base metals declined drastically. The eu raw material strategy addresses the issue by means of three pillars. Critical raw materials and the circular economy jrc publications. Used in microprocessors, smartphones, lcd screens, batteries and low energy light bulbs, raw materials are an intrinsic part of our daily lives and the industry demand is growing at impressive rates.

Wrap will be publishing analysis and reports from this project toward the end of. Report on critical raw materials for the eu page 5 of 41 the major producers of the twenty eu critical raw materials are shown below, with china clearly being the most influential in terms of global supply. These critical raw materials have a high economic importance to the. Report on critical raw materials and the circular economy part 1 english. It gives a detailed analysis of the current raw material supply and use situation in austria as well as other eu countries. Although the domestic production of certain critical raw materials exists in the eu, notably hafnium, in most cases the eu is dependent on imports from non eu countries. Crms combine a high economic importance to the eu with a high risk associated. Methodology for establishing the eu list of critical raw materials, 2017, isbn 97892 79 68051 9. Reducing the eus consumption of primary raw materials. They are used in a wide range of commercial, governmental, and lifesaving technologies and applications.

Com2017490 2017 list of critical raw materials for the eu. On february 2nd, 2011, an update on the raw materials initiative titled tackling the challenges in commodity markets and on raw materials was presented to the public. The 2014 list includes of the 14 materials identified in the previous list of 2011, with only tantalum moving out of the list due to a lower supply risk. Ensuring raw material imports from non eu countries. List of critical raw materials for the eu the 27 raw materials listed below are critical for the eu because risks of supply shortage and their impacts on the economy are higher than those of most of the other raw materials. Sometimes raw materials will be partially processed or converted into producer goods within the country from which they originate. Since 2011, the european commission assesses a 3year list of critical raw materials crms for the eu economy within its raw materials initiative. The european raw material policy towards africa in the. Recovery of critical and other raw materials from mining. Study on critical raw materials at eu level final report european. Known substances released from the ingoing substances are also regarded as ingoing substances.

Enhancing the extraction of raw materials within the eu. The communication was delayed because of france and germany having different expectations of the. The supply chain of these materials is potentially vulnerable to disruption. In 2008, the european commission presented its raw materials strategy rmi and has since then worked to implement it. Analysis of the eu raw material initiative, heinrich boll. Expanding the recycling of raw materials and resource efficiency. Trade in raw materials the aim of the european trade policy is an unregulated and unrestricted free market, and the elimination of regulation and taxes in developing countries.

Com2017490 2017 list of critical raw materials for the. This network will combine forces to address all the crms issues. Pdf the eu raw materials initiative scope and critical. For example, a smartphone might contain up to 50 different kinds of metals, all of which contribute to its small size, light weight. Eu raw materials policy, data needs and actions to implement the knowledge base prosum information network brussels, 18 october 2016 lie heymans european commission directorategeneral for internal market, industry, entrepreneurship and smes unit c2 resource efficiency and raw materials. Aug 28, 2017 raw materials, which are essential elements in todays industrial production, are crucial for the sustainable functioning of our economy. Several other countries have dominant supplies of specific raw. New map of critical raw materials in europe eurogeosurveys news.

The european union is making a big push to help its companies and investors access raw materials in developing countries. Report of the ad hoc working group on defining critical raw materials. As the demand for these technologies increases, both from. However, megasectors combine several 3 and 4digit nace2 sectors. This study presents the results of a third assessment of critical raw materials for the eu. Link to industry nonenergy raw materials are linked to all industries across all supply chain stages. European commission, raw materials supply group, may 2014, 41 pp. Eu methodology for critical raw materials assessment.

A refined methodology developed by the european commission was used to assess the criticality of 78 raw materials in scope 58 individual and 3 grouped. Acquisition of raw materials by tyler bakerwilliams on prezi. Jrc analysis on crms and the circular economy report commitment of the circular economy action plan 2015. The list of critical raw materials crm for the eu is a central element of this initiative. Analysis of the eu raw materials initiative heinrich boll. Declaration from the manufacturer of the raw material. In competition policy and especially merger control market. Securing critical raw materials for europe presentation at. Developing raw materials into a major strength for europe kateryna vorobiova 20190624t09. These materials are mainly used in energy transition and digital technologies. Residuals in the raw materials above 1,0 % are regarded as ingoing substances. Modern technology technological progress and quality of life rely on access to a growing number of raw materials. Within the framework of the eu raw materials initiative, it was decided to identify a list of critical raw materials at eu level, in close cooperation with member states and stakeholders. This increasingcompetition for raw materials has been classified by the eu politician karl heinzflorenz as a much bigger problem than climate change, due to the fact that many rare metals are the basis for more sophisticated technologies, which again are urgently needed for keeping the european industries.

To date, 14 crms were identified in 2011, 20 in 2014 and 27 in 2017. Circular use of critical raw materials in the eu is analysed, also taking a sectorial. This network will combine forces to address all crms issues including mining. Raw materials are essential for the sustainable functioning of all societies, equally so for the eu. Critical raw materials for the eu, report of the adhoc working group on defining critical raw materials.

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